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Jean Arlt

Graduate Students 

We were so lucky to have the amazing, super funny, and super collegial as a graduate student from 2014 to 2018. Jean came to the lab from Jean graduated with honors from Mount Holyoke College with a B.A. in Psychology. She went on to complete a Master of Philosophy in Social and Developmental Psychology at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England, where she researched interactions between personality, environment structure, and subjective well-being. She subsequently worked as a Research Assistant in the Drug Addiction Research Group in the Cambridge University Psychiatry Department, where she examined how addiction alters eating behaviors and disgust response.  Jean completed a dissertation that examined how to improve experimental methods for neuroimaging taste research, as well as bench research that can inform understanding of more complex processes including binge eating and overeating. As of August 2018 she has been a Clinical Psychology Fellow at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center.

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