Become a Practicum Instructor or Practicum Site

Overview of Practicum Expectations for students, agencies and the Office of Practicum Education found here: Overview-of-Practicum-Requirements


Become an Instructor

Become a Practicum Site

  • The Practicum Instructor role..
  • Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree to supervise BSW Seniors and/or
  • Master of Social Work (MSW/MSS) degree to supervise MSW students
  • 2 years of post-degree experience required for both BSW and MSW students
Partnerships between agencies such as yours and the School of Social Work are the lifeblood of the social work practicum. We cherish these partnerships and look forward to building new relationships each year.
The Task Instructor Role…

  • Individuals who do not have a MSW or BSW, but have expertise in an area that would benefit the student’s learning goals, may be considered Task Instructors.
  • On site during the student’s internship hours
  • Post-degree experience not required
An Affiliation Agreement between your agency and Temple University is required before a student can begin their internship. Contact us to start the process.