Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monitoring campus bioretention basin

Graduate student Paul Zarella and undergraduate Kelly Devlin and Ashley Newman are helping with monitoring at the bioretention basin outside the new science building on campus.  Ashley is downloading data from the wells while Paul and Kelly install soil moisture … Continue reading

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Water quality monitoring on the Tookany

  Along with my graduate student Emily Arnold and undergrad assistant Chris Witzigman, I’ve been busy installing water quality loggers on the Tookany.  We are assessing baseline water quality and trying to develop some techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of … Continue reading

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Graduation May 2015

Two of my graduate students, Haley Rodack and Trevor Klein successfully defended their masters theses and graduated this May. Haley’s thesis was on fracture flow modeling and Trevor looked at nitrate retention in Pennypack Creek.  Here Haley is helping Trevor … Continue reading

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Green & blue roofs

Today I took several students to see the green and blue roofs on the apartment complex next to the campus.  Probably the only blue roof in the city, it works like a green roof except without the plants.  We are … Continue reading

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Data from the water treatment plant

Trevor and I have been trying to figure out what the nitrate signal at the water treatment plant (WTP) looks like.  We have data downstream that looks like a diurnal signal with some funky switches.  Does the WTP have a … Continue reading

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