Category Archives: Uncategorized

New scientists

I took two Bucks County high school students out to learn how to sample streams for a science fair project this month.  They are looking at the effects of urbanization on stream water quality. November was mild, so it was … Continue reading

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EPA site visit for stormwater project

It was appropriate that during the site visit for our EPA stormwater monitoring project, it rained.  We took the visitors to see a “blue roof”, where we are monitoring how fast the stormwater is collected and how long it is … Continue reading

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Teaching award

Along with my colleague, Dr Allison Tumarkin-Deratzian, I won a college teaching award Nov 2015.

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Kayaking at Edwards Aquifer meeting

The National Academy of Sciences committee went kayaking to get a closer look at stream restoration efforts near the protected springs along the Edwards Aquifer.  Two days later the streams were flooded, closing parks, and taking out bridges.  Glad we … Continue reading

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Another dry month

September has been another dry month, which is slowing down research on infiltration in urban soils and calibration of the stream turbidity loggers.  There was one decent storm, but we need more rain!

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Undergraduate winner

Ashley Newman won honorable mention at the undergraduate research symposium for her research on the influence of infiltration on groundwater levels at the SERC basin (new science building).  Congratulations Ashley!

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GSA abstract-mania

Seven of my students submitted abstracts to the fall GSA meeting!  October is going to be busy preparing posters and talks!  The list:  Graduate students Emily Arnold and Paul Zarella, along with former graduate student Trevor Klein; Undergraduates Chris Witzigman, … Continue reading

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Alverthorpe Pond monitoring

The algae bloom at Alverthorpe Pond in Abington made an interesting study for nutrients.  We placed loggers upstream and downstream of the pond for a month.  There was a drop in oxygen and nitrate downstream of the pond.  The results … Continue reading

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Ft Indiantown stream monitoring

This aerial image is the military base near Ft Indiantown Gap.  It is a firing and bombing range for training.  They need help re-installing their stream monitoring program and I visited with Temple undergrad, Jess Welkey.  We dug around in … Continue reading

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Weaver Spring

At the end of June, I went to central PA with Ellen Herman (Bucknell) and her student, Josh Barna, to see how they have instrumented the first set of springs for our NSF karst project.  We downloaded data and took … Continue reading

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