A month of meetings

This month was full of meetings … but the field season is not far away.  On the last day in January (too late for blog), I met with area hydrogeologists at Rutgers University to talk about textbook author John Cherry’s vision for an online open source groundwater textbook.  It is an ambitious project!

Then the watershed organizations, support teams, and universities conducting research and monitoring in the Delaware River Watershed gathered to assess this past year’s work.  I was part of a session that made a short film.

In the department we have been meeting to talk about restructuring the Environmental Science program to offer concentrations.  These options will help students find related courses and provide some exciting new options.  Next step is to get department, college, and then university approval for a 2021 launch.

My research group has been meeting to plan work for the upcoming field season, including nitrogen isotope data collection in stormwater basins, geophysical assessment of basin sediment, and simulated runoff tests in the I-95 basins.  As stated above the field season can’t come soon enough!

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