Title image of video
Laura Chanoski, The Young Adult’s Guide to Sex Ed

Laura Chanoski, The Young Adult’s Guide to Sex Ed
Web series created for the Media Studies and Production Master of Arts
Final Project – SP16, Committee Chair: Dr. Adrienne Shaw

The series can be viewed here and the Twine game based on the series is here.

More information about the project here:


Curatorial Statement by Dr. Adrienne Shaw:

One of the completion options for the MSP MA program is to do a Master’s Project that integrates research and production skills. Laura Chanoski’s project, “The Young Adult’s Guide to Sex Ed,” is one excellent example of merging academic knowledge and production. Her goal in this project was to create an inclusive, engaging, and frank web series about important sexual health information for teenagers and young adults. She used extensive research on sexual health education, best practices for making the information inclusive of genders and sexualities, and production values that would draw in her target audience. The final product is as funny as it is informative, and a great example of translating scholarly information for a wider audience.

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