Our Curators

Emerge: Interactive and New Media Work by MSP Students is curated by Prof. Laura Zaylea and Dr. Adrienne Shaw.

An image of Laura Zaylea

Laura Zaylea

Laura Zaylea is a media artist and Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Media Studies and Production, Klein College of Media and Communication, Temple University. She currently works in and teaches both traditional and emergent media production. More about her creative work and her teaching can be found at www.LauraZaylea.com.





A picture of Adrienne Shaw

Adrienne Shaw

Adrienne Shaw is a game studies and new media scholar and an Associate Professor in the Department of Media Studies and Production, Klein College of Media and Communication, Temple University. Her work and teaching focus on critical cultural studies of emergent media technologies and the politics of representation. More about her research and teaching can be found at www.AdrienneShaw.com.


Please contact us for more information about Emerge!