Featured Projects:

Zach Jaworski, Music Matters: The Beatbox Showcase (Listen)

Created in MSP 3771: Radio and Podcasting Fall 2017 with Professor Thea Chaloner

Curatorial statement by Dr. Adrienne Shaw:

In this podcast Zach Jaworski brings together his interest in accapella and beatboxing in this portrait of performers at Temple University. He masterfully interweaves interview audio, narration, and music in telling this story. He has also gone on to start a music-dedicated podcast called The Musician’s Corner.


Final podcasts from MSP 3421: Technology and Culture Fall 2017 with Dr. Adrienne Shaw

Anthony Cruz, Police Brutality & Fruitvale Station (Listen)

Doug Weinreich, Technology and Culture: I, Robot (Listen)

Nirvan West, Kentucky Root Zero (Listen)

Curatorial statement by Dr. Adrienne Shaw:

In MSP 3421: Technology and Culture in Fall 2017 students had to write papers analyzing a popular media representation of the relationship between technology and culture. In addition, they had to produce a short podcast that would encapsulate the arguments of their paper in an entertaining way. Anthony Cruz’s paper and podcast focuses on the representation of police brutality in the film Fruitvale Station and the role communication technologies played in narrative. In the podcast he connects themes from the film to research and everyday life. In addition to summarizing the film, he interviews a guest, and uses other audio to create a very evocative opening. Doug Weinreich’s, in turn, focuses on the film I, Robot and how it portrays the relationship between humans and robots. He uses audio from the film, his original research, and his own critical take to summarize his papers argument with a fun and approachable style. Finally, Nirvan West offers a clear and compelling analysis of the game Kentucky Route Zero. Music and sound effects are utilized to recall the haunting space of the game, allowing the podcast to really put the listener into the game space while Nirvan unpacks the messages embedded within it and connects it to contemporary digital labor political issues.