Pedro Diaz, Sydney Ferrara, Julie White, “Cost” (augmented magazine)

Jim Leyden, “Aura” (augmented reality poster series)

Harrison Schneider, “Energy” (augmented reality poster series)

 Curatorial statement by Professor Laura Zaylea:

Augmented reality projects include both physical and virtual components, and the projects featured here take different approaches to designing the relationship between the two. Cost places virtual and physical in intentional opposition: It looks like a fashion magazine, yet augmented video content reveals stories of labor exploitation and environmental waste. Cost highlights not just these too-often-unacknowledged issues, but also the technology’s ability to reveal hidden truths and expose counter narratives. In Energy and Aura, on the other hand, there is synergy between physical and virtual: The use of a transparent video layer allows the viewer to see the animation as if it were physically dancing on the page.

These projects were created for MSP 4741: Emergent Media Production with Professor Laura Zaylea in Fall 2017.