Alexis Johnson
The Interactive Inquirer
Master of Arts Graduate Final Project
Spring, 2017
Committee Chair: Prof. Laura Zaylea
Committee Members: Nancy Morris, Peter Jaroff

Curatorial Statement by Prof. Laura Zaylea:
The Interactive Inquirer is Alexis Johnson’s final MSP Master of Arts project, and it truly brings together many aspects she has been developing during her time at Temple, including her interests in new media technologies and her skills as an on-air reporter, especially with Temple Update. She began with the goal of ‘saving’ print media by augmenting it with digital content. As the project developed, she discovered an unexpected capability of AR technology: While the text in Interactive Inquirer is carefully written and edited, video in the context of an augmented newsletter can show parts of an event not presented in text, inviting interesting conversations on media literacy. The Interactive Inquirer includes several stories, and each one includes text and images augmented with video.

Return to A is for Augmented Reality (2015-2017)


Return to Emerge, Volume 1 (2015-2017)