image of cell phone in hands

Featured Projects:

Curatorial Statement:

The featured projects were created in MSP 4541: Mobile Media with Dr. Adrienne Shaw and Prof. Laura Zaylea in Fall of 2021. Students were asked to make documentation videos to accompany their final projects. A documentation video is a video that shows the complete project experience and explains how to engage with the project. Ideally they also feature the creator/artist talking about their work and how they made it, including how research informed their creative design process. Documentation videos are especially important for folks working with emerging and/or new media technologies, as sometimes the platforms we use to make and/or share our work disappear or are no longer compatible with available hardware or software. By documenting the full experience of a project and the  intentions behind it, artists can ensure that audiences will have long-term access to their work. This also allows for projects to be shared in traditional media portfolios that can be viewed by future collaborators and employers as well as friends, family and community. The projects for Mobile Media were also required to be research grounded, and in these videos you can see directly how the student drew upon course materials to shape their creative projects.

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