Cloud Ten Art

Featured Projects:

Jiddo’s House
By Sarah Hobbi
Audio project, map, paper

Cloud 10
By Hannah Ninan
Audio project, map, paper

“Ma, I’m late!”
By Rebekah Santos
Audio project, map, paper

Gotta Write This Paper!
By Rebekah Santos
Audio project, map, paper


Curatorial Statement:

These two audio projects were created for MSP 4541: Mobile Media, co-taught by Dr. Adrienne Shaw and Professor Laura Zaylea in Fall 2021. The goal of these audio projects was to their understanding of the geolocative possibilities of mobile media to create projects that form a relationship between sound and the experience of being in – and moving through – a space and reflecting upon the objects within it. They were also asked to comment upon the mobility of sound recordings. These four projects reflect the range of possible approaches to such a project. Sarah Hobbi’s “Jiddo’s House” takes listeners through her grandfather’s (or jiddo’s) house in Damascus, Syria to share memories of her childhood visits to him, painting a vivid picture of the location and placing the audience in that location. “Cloud 10” by Hannah Ninan, in contrast, is set in a complete fantasyland where the narrator is not even sure where they are headed but brings listeners along for the ride. Rebekah Santos’ two projects, in contrast, put us in the daily and humorous experiences of a college student trying to get to class and writing a paper. All projects were required to be submitted with a map to show the path through the space (real or imagined) and have research papers that connect these projects to academic literature on mobile audio and the geolocative possibilities of mobile media.

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