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Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning (MEL)

We practice Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning (MEL), which is an education process involving hands-on learning across multiple disciplinary domains (social science, business, engineering, computer science, etc.). Here you will find resources for both students and educators.

Social Engineering Course Projects – a list of tried and tested social engineering course projects to try in your classroom, cybersecurity student clubs, organization training. FREE to download.

Social Engineering Educator Workshop (Fall and Spring) – open to educators at high school, undergraduate and graduate levels.

High school training program – open to high school students.

Summer SE competition – open to students at high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels. Note: the Collegiate SECTF – has now merged with Summer SE competition.

Critical infrastructure ransomware attacks (CIRA) dataset – a FREE resource, which has been used by reserachers for their papers, educators for student projects, and students for their class projects and theses/dissertations.

Publications – a list of our publications dedicated to MEL are highlighted in yellow.
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