Dr. Arthur McClelland

Dr. Arthur McClelland

Arthur McClelland was an undergraduate researcher with the Borguet group where he published three papers. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the University of Michigan in 2009 from Dr. Zhan Chen’s group working on Sum Frequency generation Vibrational Spectroscopy of polymer surfaces. He did his Postdoc in Dr. Paul Champion’s group at Northeastern University, studying the green fluorescent protein excited state proton transfer mechanism and barriers with various types of spectroscopy including Raman, vibrational coherence spectroscopy, and two color pump probe. In 2011, he took a staff scientist position at the Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS) at Harvard University. CNS is an open use facility that in 2013 supported the projects of more than 1,500 researchers both internal to Harvard and external to Harvard. Arthur is mainly in charge of training researchers on the use of optical microscopy and spectroscopy tools.


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