A Look at May 2024 Theses and Dissertations 

Congratulations to all of Temple’s recent master’s and doctoral graduates! Temple University Libraries and University Press is proud to host these students’ outstanding research in Temple’s institutional repository TUScholarShare

We received 128 doctoral dissertations and 47 master’s theses this May. Of those, only 14% chose to embargo (i.e., delay access to) their work. This means that most of these important publications are freely available for the public to read now. 

In addition, almost 50% of these authors included their ORCiD, a unique persistent identifier that links a researcher to their work. No matter where these graduate students study or work after Temple or how their names might change, their iD will distinguish them from other researchers. All Temple faculty and graduate students can benefit from registering for one

The programs with the most dissertations deposited this year were Educational Leadership (12), Business Administration/Interdisciplinary (8), and Chemistry (8), while the Urban Bioethics (28,) and Oral Biology (9) programs deposited the most master’s theses. 

Medical ethics and urban bioethics were the most popular subjects written about by May graduates.  

Artificial intelligence (AI), a topic appearing in the news quite frequently these days, was a theme in five dissertations: 

Two works explored topics on Philadelphia

Finally, the award for the longest thesis/dissertation goes to Fintech in a Changing Market and Immersive Web 3.0 World (Musangi Muthui, D.B.A., Business Administration/Management Information Systems), which is a remarkable 969 pages long. 

Congrats again to all our graduates! And be sure to check out all the other excellent theses and dissertations in TUScholarShare