Wednesday, September 8
9am CST/3pm BST (60 min)
1A. Appropriation and Circulation
- Tamara Kaminsky, “Appropriated Conversations: An Audience with Mary Prince”
- Kevin King, “Rethinking Lloyd’s Revolution in Popular Literature”
- Maryam Sikander, “Anglo-Indian ‘Punches’: A Study of Delhi Sketch Book (1850-57)”
- Priti Joshi, “Disanglicizing and Indigenizing Calcutta’s Review Journals”
Chair: Lara Atkin
1B. Rebels in/of the Press 1
- Roxanne Covello, “De Quincey’s Political Reporting for Blackwood’s Magazine, 1830-1832”
- Justin Gilbert and Marie Léger-St-Jean, “Gabriel Alexander and G.W.M. Reynolds: Changing Bylines and the Transatlantic Circulation of Penny-Number Revolutionary William Wallace”
- Jasper Heeks, “Circulation, Transmission and Digitisation: Researching Overseas Reactions to Australian Larrikins, 1870-1898”
- Francoise Baillet, “Vox Populi, a Bully that Must Be Put Down” Matt Morgan’s Radical Critique of the Reform League for The Tomahawk, 1867”
Chair: Jennifer Conary
15 minute break
10:15 CST/4:15pm BST (60 min)
2A. Copyright, Circulation and Distribution
- Jennifer Phegley, “‘Manufacturing’ Cheap Fiction in the Welcome Guest and the Shilling Volume Library: John Maxwell’s Challenges to Copyright Law”
- Stephan Pigeon, “Transmitting News from the British World: C.F. Moberly Bell in Egypt, 1865-1866”
Chair: Leslie Howsam
2B. Rebels in/of the Press 2
- Gregory Vargo, “‘Where is the Bulwer of Chartism–where is the Knowles of Democracy?’: Drama in the Chartist Press”
- Victoria Clarke, “Privilege, Prison, and Publishing: Feargus O’Connor and Richard Oastler in The 1840s Radical Press”
- Kirstie Blair, “Factory Times: Labour, Union, and the Working-Class Writer in the Factory Times Newspapers”
- Olivia Krauze, “Engineering Success: W. T. Stead and the First Year of the Review of Reviews”
Chair: Andrew Hobbs
15 minute break
11:30 CST/5:30 BST (60 min)
3A. Children’s Periodicals
- Maria Damkjaer, “Functional Fiction: Narrative Genres and the Dramatized Reader”
- Michelle Elleray, “Circulating Vessels” The Missionary Ship and the Children’s Magazine” Kristine Moruzi, “Evolution in Children’s Charity”
- Virginia Zimmerman, “Being Editors: Children’s Periodical Publishing”
Chair: Sigrid Cordell
3B. Detective Fiction and Crime in Periodicals
- Troy Bassett, “Mysterious Waters: William Russell, Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, and the Popularization of the Detective Story”
- Susan Johnston and Kathryn Nogue, “‘Something very horrible’: The Agnes Norman Case and the Representation of the Female Serial Murder”
- Caroline Reitz, “Who Killed Judith Lee? The Strand, the Slaughterhouse and the Angry Female Detective”
- Mercedes Sheldon, “‘I Shall Fathom This, Come What May’: The Evolution of the Amateur Detective in the Strand Magazine, 1891-1894″
Chair: Clara Clarke
3C. Women Producing Periodicals, Producing Periodicals for Women
- Eleanor Dumbill, “‘So much admired, so much abused’: Frances Milton Trollope and the New Monthly Magazine”
- Artemis Alexiou, “The Evolution of Revolutionary Feminist Periodical Design in the 1890s: The masthead of the Women’s Penny Paper“
Solveig Robinson, “Evolving a Periodical Audience: Growing into Womanhood”
- Chair: Michelle Reynolds