Membership process

I read the Benefits of membership page and I want to become a member. What do I do?

Details about applying for membership are in the society’s membership page. For students, there are different minimum requirements for admission for undergraduates and graduate students. For your convenience, here are the requirements, as taken from the society’s membership page (requirements not applicable to Temple University have been omitted here):

The minimum requirements for admission for undergraduates are:

  • completion of 12 credit hours of economics courses; and
  • attainment of a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or better in economics courses and an overall GPA of at least 3.0;
  • in the case of colleges or universities with an Honors Program in Economics, attainment of B-grade work or better;
  • Students should be making the study of economics one of their major interests.

Graduate students in economics are judged solely on their graduate work. They must have:

  • completed one semester of full-time work, with a major or minor in economics; and
  • attainment of a GPA of 3.0 or better.

All faculty members are eligible to join the society.

To apply for membership, print and complete this form (PDF format) and give it to your ODE faculty advisor. The Society does not accept applications sent by individuals. As of Fall 2017, the ODE advisor at Temple University is Professor Dimitrios Diamantaras.

ODE requires that “no one shall be denied membership because of sex, race, color, creed or national origin“.

Upon election to the Society, each prospective member must pay a $40 life-membership fee. The Temple University Economics Department will pay this fee for any eligible economics or mathematical economics major. In return for the fee, the member receives a membership card, a scroll, and free online access to The American Economist. Optionally, the new member can purchase and ODE key charm, key pin, or tie tack for $25.