Monthly Archives: May 2024

Initiation ceremony on 10 April 2024

The initiation of new members for 2024 took place in the seminar room of the Economics Department in its new location on the second floor of Gladfelter Hall. Thirteen new members were initiated, ten of whom attended the ceremony. Below are some photos from the ceremony.

Department Chair Dr. Michael Bognanno delivering introductory remarks

Director of Undergraduate Studies Dr. Michael Leeds talks about the history of Theta of PA

Theta of PA President Vineetha Mummadi commences the initiation ceremony

The ten new initiates who were able to attend the ceremony

Theta of PA member Owen Hurley participates in the initiation ceremony

Theta of PA Vice President Rachel Brodsky participates in the ceremony

New initiate Choi Brahimi

New initiate Samara Jenkins

New initiate Karina McKenna

New initiate Gretl Merges

New initiate Madeline Ruder

New initiate Cecilia Schleinitz

New initiate Eric Segarra

New initiate Walter Shallenberger

New initiate Ankush Somenhalli

New initiate Grant ter Bush