On this project four generations of graduate and undergraduate students collaborated: Mike Swyer (MS 2012) was a member of the industry project team, Drew Spake was a recently graduated MS (2019) working as the site geologist, Morgan Sawyer (MS 2022) was a current graduate student, and Breeann Stowe (BS 2020, MS 2022) was an undergraduate researcher then later a graduate student.
PostDoctoral Research Advisor or Co-Advisor:
- 2014-2017: Postdoctoral Research Advisor: Dr. Martin Shoenball: Research the geomechanics and seismicity of geothermal systems. (Jointly Advised with Jonathan Glen, U.S. Geological Survey)
- 2013-2016: Postdoctoral Research Advisor: Dr. Tabrez Ali: Poroelastic Modeling of Impulse and Response in Geothermal Systems. (Jointly Advised with Dr. Kurt Feigl, University of Wisconsin, Madison)
- 2009-2012: Postdoctoral Research Advisor: Dr. J. Ole Kaven; Project: Fault geometry and mechanics in the Coso geothermal field. (Jointly Advised with Dr. Steven H. Hickman of the U.S. Geological Survey)
Masters Research Advisor:
Below is a list with links to their (1) completed thesis work and (2) their early careers after graduating. A summary of featured results by graduate these students is available in my discussion of research. (Note: Only students primarily advised are listed here. For a complete list of students and their work, please refer to my CV and publications.)
- 2023-present: Rebecca Ayanwunmi: TBA – focusing on how dikes alter the properties of the rocks around them and may influence subsequent deformation and fluid flow.
- 2023-present: Colin Krzystek: TBA – focusing on modeling processes of dike injection and interaction with faults using boundary element and magnetic field modeling.
- 2021-2022: Breeann Stowe: Combined Structural Analysis of Core and Image log of TGH MB76-31 East of Mount Baker, Washington State (Washington Play-Fairway, Phase 3) (Postgrad 1st stop: Adjunct TU)
- 2019-2022: Morgan Sawyer: Geomechanics ofGeothermal Systems in Surprise Valley, CA (Postgrad 1st stop: Broadbent & Associates, Inc; 2nd stop: KeyLogic)
- 2017-2019: [Phillip An]Drew Spake: Geothermal Exploration North of Mount Saint Helens, Washington State, USA (Washington Play-Fairway, Phase 3) (Postgrad 1st stop: Ormat Nevada)
- 2014-2016: Roselyne Laboso: Spatial Heterogeneity of Permeability as Influenced by Stress States and Fault Slip. (Postgrad 1st stop: Golder Associates)
- 2013-2015: Olivia Wells: Investigation of the source and evolution of fracture surface topography and its dependence on slip. (Postgrad 1st stop: Sovereign Consulting; 2nd stop: Langan Engineering)
- 2011-2013: Justin Roth: (Co-Advisor: Alexandra Davatzes): Quantifying the volume of porosity in fractured and un-fractured rocks from the Newberry Volcano: An evaluation and comparison of two- and three- dimensional methods. (Postgrad 1st stop: Enviroscan; 2nd stop: Schlumberger)
- 2010-2012: Michael Swyer: Evaluating the role of the rhyolite ridge fault system in the desert peak geothermal field, NV: Boundary element modeling of fracture potential in proximity to fault slip. (Postgrad 1st stop: AltaRock Energy, Inc.; 2nd stop: CYRQ Energy)
- 2009-2011: Kelly Blake: Quantifying Length-Scale Dependence of Stress Heterogeneities in the Earth’s Crust in the Vicinity of a Geothermal Field: Coso Geothermal Field, CA. (Postgrad 1st stop: Navy Geothermal Program Office)
- 2009-2011: Kirby Runyon (Co-Advisor, Primary advisor: Alexandra Davatzes): Tectonic pressurization of Athabasca Valles: Mapping and modeling of a graben-sourced outflow system on Mars. (Postgrad 1st stop: PhD Johns Hopkins University)
- 2008-2009: Nwachukwu Anyamele: Characterizing mechanisms of clay gouge formation and implications for permeability, Moab fault, Utah.
Masters Research Advisor (RES)
(RES School of Renewable Energy Science, Iceland: These students spent time as visiting researchers within the Davatzes Laboratory, with the project initiated during the summer session of the corresponding 1st year. Unless otherwise noted, Davatzes was the primary research advisor.)
- 2010-2011: Research Advisor (Co-Advisor Ragnar Asmundsson) (Masters of Science): Joseph Batir: Stress field Characterization of the Hellisheidi Geothermal field and possibilities to improve Injection Capabilities. (MS concurrent with PhD at Southern Methodist University; Postgrad 1st stop: Research Scientist SMU; 2nd stop: JeoCo Geosciences)
- 2010-2011: Research Advisor: James Drew Fetterman, Thesis: Analysis of Porosity Generation in Geothermal Systems. (Postgrad 1st stop: ThermaSource, Inc; 2nd stop: Schlumberger)
- 2010-2011: Research Advisor: Amelia Letvin, Thesis: Cuttings and Geophysical Log Analysis at the Newberry Geothermal Field. (Postgrad 1st stop: Ormat Technologies, Inc; 2nd stop: GeothermEx Inc (a Schlumberger company)
- 2009-2010: Research Advisor: Tryana Garza-Cruz (student at RES School of Renewable Energy Sciences, Iceland) Thesis: Numerical Modeling of the nucleation conditions and geometry of petal-centerline fractures below a borehole, a sensitivity study and application to the Coso Geothermal Field. (graduated top-of-class) (MSc concurrent with PhD at Colorado School of Mines; Postgrad 1st stop: Itasca Inc.)
v2022-12-12, © Nicholas C. Davatzes, 2022