Flyer Posting Policy

SBA Posting Policy

(1) There may not be more than 25 signs posted in the law school at one time for the same event/purpose.

(2) All signs are to be no larger than 8.5″ X 11″.

(3) Each sign must be numbered, 1 through 25, reasonably clearly on the front of the sign.

(4) Each sign must contain contact information (e.g. an email address) for the person or organization posting it.  

(5) Permitted Areas:

  • 4th floor through 8th floor elevator banks;
  • Locker room [not on individual lockers, unless you have permission];
  • One sign of similar type in each restroom [please refrain from posting on the exterior of lavatory doors, the interior is permitted].

(6) Prohibited Posting Areas:

  • Do not post on wall-papered or laminated surfaces;
  • 1st floor of law school building, including elevator banks but excluding unused bulletin boards [posting is allowed on bulletin boards except Career Services, SPIN, SELS, and International Programs bulletin boards or any other board designated for a specific office.];
  • 2nd floor of law school, including elevator banks and front doors;
  • 3rd floor lobby of law school, including elevator banks and library lobby;
  • Doors entering and exiting the library on the 3rd floor of law school;
  • Inside classrooms;
  • Organizational bulletin boards, unless given permission;
  • Barrack Hall, excluding public bulletin boards [The bulletin boards in the front (Broad Street side) of the building are for general use and may be used for posting].