SBA Constitution and Senate

Preamble to the SBA Constitution

We, the students of the James E. Beasley School of Law of Temple University (hereinafter referred to as “Temple Law”), in order to produce a system of self-governance that fosters a sustainable environment to allow students to attain the highest level of scholastic, ethical, and personal advancement; to promote our general welfare; to develop and encourage scholastic attainment; to facilitate communication with the faculty, students, and alumni; to further professional and social interests; to cooperate with other law schools through the American Bar Association—Law Student Division; and to secure to the Association and Temple Law the good will of the members of the legal profession; do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution of the Student Bar Association of Temple Law (hereinafter referred to as the “Student Bar Association”; the “Association”; or “SBA”).

Authority of the Student Senate

The Student Senate shall be the governing body of the Association, shall have the legislative and judicial authority to formulate and interpret policies and manage the affairs of the Association, and shall have all other powers prescribed by and necessary for the proper execution of the Constitution of the Association and corresponding SBA By-Laws.

Temple Law SBA Constitution & Bylaws and SBA Code.