About the Temple Law SBA

What is the Temple Law Student Bar Association? 

The Temple Law Student Bar Association is your student government that advocates on behalf of the student body, allocates the budget from your student activity fee to student organizations, keeps you updated about student organizations’ events and and connects students and student organizations with opportunities from the ABA for event funding and internships. The good news is, you are already a member. The better news is, you can become even more involved by running for a position as a Senator or Honor Code Representative in the upcoming SBA Fall election, by joining an SBA or Student-Faculty committee, or by attending SBA meetings either out of interest or on behalf of a student organization. We hope to see you at SBA meetings and events this year! 

We are your 2022-2023 SBA Board of Governors! 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us individually: 

Chris Taffe, President

Billy Nam, Evening Vice President

Joseph Abraham Feigin, Day Vice President

Corinna Fu, Secretary

Gabriel Martinez, Treasurer

Sophia Harmelin, ABA Representative

Timmy Miller, Parliamentarian

Or, you can simply email all of us at sbamail@temple.edu.

We wish everyone a great year and we will do what we can to make sure that happens!


Your SBA Board of Governors