Modern Footnotes

Footnotes optimized for desktop and mobile, inspired by the styles of Grantland and FiveThirtyEight.

Use a footnote in your post by using the footnote icon in the WordPress editor or by using the shortcode: [mfn]this will be a footnote[/mfn] The plugin will automatically associate sequential numbers with each plugin.

On desktop, footnotes will appear as a tooltip when the user clicks on the number. On mobile, footnotes will expand as a section below the current text.


PDF Embedder

Upload PDFs and embed them straight into your site – just like adding images! PDFs will be automatically sized to their natural size and shape (or just fill the width available if they are too big). Optionally, you can specify a width and the correct height will be calculated automatically. The shape will be recalculated whenever the page is resized by the user.

The plugin has a unique method for embedding PDFs, using Javascript only, and not using iframes or third-party services. This gives a lot of flexibility over the appearance of your document.

The free viewer currently has Next/Prev buttons to page through the document, and zoom buttons.

PDFs are embedded within your existing WordPress pages so we have full control over appearance, and all Javascript and other files are served by your own server (not by Google or any other third-party who may not be able to guarantee their own reliability).

Even if other plugins use similar technology, they will insert the PDF itself into an ‘iframe’ which means they do not get the flexibility over sizing.

There is no button for users to download the PDF in the free version of the plugin, but this is available in the Premium versions along with other extra features.
Hyperlinks in your PDF will only be clickable in the Premium versions.


Once installed and Activated, click Add Media from any page or post, just like adding an image, but drag and drop a PDF file instead.

When you insert into your post, it will appear in the editor as a ‘shortcode’ as follows:

[pdf-embedder url=’’]

You can change the default appearance – e.g. width, and toolbar position/appearance through Settings -> PDF Embedder.

To override your site-wide defaults on an individual embed, see the Plugin Instructions for information about sizing options plus other ways to customize the shortcodes.



Size and Shape

You can optionally override width and height as follows:

[pdf-embedder url=”” width=”500″]

Note the default value for width is ‘max’.

Resizing works as follows:

  • If width=’max’ the width will take as much space as possible within its parent container (e.g. column within your page).
  • If width is a number (e.g. width=’500′) then it will display at that number of pixels wide.

In all cases, if the parent container is narrower than the width calculated above, then the document width will be reduced to the size of the container.

The height will be calculated so that the document fits naturally, given the width already calculated.

It is possible to specify a fixed height (e.g. height=”200″), in which case the document may be cut off vertically.
The height will be reduced to fit if it is larger than needed to display the document correctly.



If you are using the ‘Twenty Nineteen’ theme, you will have to add the following CSS to get the PDF to show the full file.


.entry .entry-content > .pdfemb-viewer {
    max-width: 100%;

Leaflet Map


Add a map generated with LeafletJS: an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Map tiles are provided by default through OpenStreetMap, or MapQuest (with an app key). Can be set per map with shortcode attributes or through the dashboard settings.


Simply create a map with:


Lookup an address with:

[leaflet-map address="chicago"]

Know the latitude and longitude of a location? Use them (and a zoom level) with:

[leaflet-map lat=44.67 lng=-63.61 zoom=5]

Add a marker under your map shortcode, like so:


Want more? Make more (and fit the map to contain all of them):

[leaflet-map fitbounds]
[leaflet-marker address="tokyo"]
[leaflet-marker address="oslo"]
[leaflet-marker address="cairo"]
[leaflet-marker address="toronto"]

You can even add popups (to any shape) with their names:

[leaflet-map fitbounds]
[leaflet-marker address="tokyo"]Tokyo[/leaflet-marker]
[leaflet-marker address="oslo"]Oslo[/leaflet-marker]

Add a link to the popup messages the same way you would add any other link with the WordPress editor.


Add a line to the map by adding [leaflet-line]. You can specify the postions with a list separated by semi-colon ; or bar | using lat/lng: [leaflet-line latlngs="41, 29; 44, 18"] or addresses: [leaflet-line addresses="Istanbul; Sarajevo"], or x/y coordinates for image maps.


Google Photos & Picasa Viewer


The best Google Photos Gallery plugin to display your Google Photo Albums on your WordPress blog. It is fully responsive and looks awesome. Google Photo Gallery is based on Google Picasa API. Use the plugin to display your Google Photo (Picasa) Albums on your WordPress blog. Using the shortcodes it is simple to embed a single album or all your albums. Display albums in grid view, list view or carousel. Image lightbox supports touch devices (Pro) and is fully responsive.

  • You get various display options for photo albums and the images with albums.
  • You can display Photo Albums in Grid View
  • You can display Photo Albums in List View
  • You can display Photo Albums in Carousel View
  • You can display Images in Albums in Grid View
  • You can display Images in Albums in List View
  • You can display Images in Albums in Carousel View
  • You can display Images in Albums in Justified Image Grid View
  • You can mix and match displays too. So you can show albums in carousel/grid/list and have the images in the album the user clicks on open up in grid view or list view or whatever!
  • You can show/hide Album Title
  • You can show/hide album details such as Number of images in Album and date published.
  • You can show/hide Image Title
  • You can show/hide Image Caption
  • You can configure the carousel to autoplay, show/hide dots, slides to scroll, slides to show, show/hide arrows etc
  • You can override nearly all general settings in each shortcode.
  • You can enable/disable download original image link.
  • There is no limitation to the number of albums and photos.
  • The visitor can browse through the photos in each album you decide to publish
  • You can add a Recent Albums Widget to the Sidebar that display your latest albums covers


Learn more by checking out the following article.

Advanced Custom Fields

Use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to take full control of your WordPress edit screens & custom field data.

Add fields on demand. Our field builder allows you to quickly and easily add fields to WP edit screens with only the click of a few buttons!

Add them anywhere. Fields can be added all over WP including posts, users, taxonomy terms, media, comments and even custom options pages!

Show them everywhere. Load and display your custom field values in any theme template file with our hassle free developer friendly functions!


Made for developers

At the core of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is the simple and intuitive API.

Use functions like get_field() and the_field() to quickly build powerful templates.

Simple Calendar – Google Calendar

Simple Calendar is the easiest way to add Google Calendar events to your WordPress site. Quick to setup. Fine-tune to your needs. Mobile responsive. Beautifully designed.


– Display events from any public Google Calendar.
– Keep managing events in Google Calendar. No need to create events in WordPress.
– Out-of-the-box designs that match your theme’s look and feel.
– Fully responsive and mobile-friendly monthly grid and list views.
– Customize event content display using simple tags. No coding required.
– Combine multiple calendars into single displays explicitly or using categories.
– Intuitive, simple display configuration changes for fine tuning.
– Advanced settings to adjust time zones, date/time formats and start of the week.
– Integration with Event Calendar Newsletter for quickly turning your events into a newsletter-friendly format.
– Additional functionality offered with add-ons.
– Translations available with more being added on a regular basis. Translations welcome!



How to integrate your Google Calendar

Please Note: your google Calendar must be set to Public in order for this integration to work.

If you need help making your Google Calendar public, please check the following article

  1. Navigate to the ‘Plugins’ tab from the Dashboard.
  2. In the search bar search for ‘simple Calendar’.
  3. Click the ‘Activate’ button.
  4. Once activated, click the ‘Settings’ link.
  5. Enter the following api key into the ‘Google API Key’ box AIzaSyBqjOgheI-cSVnxjLX-MsMrL8sEF1MtNj8
  6. Click the ‘Save Changes’ button. 
  7. Click the ‘Add New’ tab in the Calendars section of the dashboard.
  8. Click the ‘Google Calendar’ tab under ‘Calendar Settings’
  9. Enter your Calendar ID into the ‘Calendar ID’ box.
    1. If you need help finding this, please check the How to find your calendar ID support article.
  10. Hit the blue ‘Publish’ button.

you are all done and should now be able to see your Google Calendar integrated into your site.

Note: If you want to embed the Calendar on a specific page you can grab the ‘shortcode’ from Calendars –> All Calendars.

Elementor Templates

Template Library

Elementor Template Library gives you access to hundreds of designer-made Page layouts and Blocks, all with premium high-end stock images, which you can use freely on your site.

Inserting Templates

  1. Click the  icon to add a Page template, Block, or your own saved template from the editing screen.
  2. Click the magnifying glass icon   to preview a template.
  3. Click INSERT to select the required template.
  4. Give your favorite templates a heart and save them to MY FAVORITES.
  5. Click the arrow in the top right corner  to upload a .json or .zip file.

Saving Pages as Templates

  1. Click the green button located at the bottom of the panel
  2. Choose Save Template
  3. Give a name to your template and save

Saving Sections as Templates

  1. Choose the section you want to save and right-click the Section Settings 
  2. Give it a name and click Save

How to Export Templates

You can export your saved templates.

  1. Click the  icon in the Elementor editor
  2. Under My Templates click the 3-dots  and click Export

How to Import Templates

You can import templates you’ve exported or downloaded.

  1. Go to Templates > Saved Templates or Templates > Theme Builder or Templates > Popups
  2. Click the Import Templates button
  3. Choose the file you want to import and click the Import Now button
  4. Your imported template will now be displayed in your Templates list

Download Leaflet Map


Add a map generated with LeafletJS: an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Map tiles are provided by default through OpenStreetMap, or MapQuest (with an app key). Can be set per map with shortcode attributes or through the dashboard settings.


Simply create a map with:


Lookup an address with:

[leaflet-map address="chicago"]

Know the latitude and longitude of a location? Use them (and a zoom level) with:

[leaflet-map lat=44.67 lng=-63.61 zoom=5]

Add a marker under your map shortcode, like so:


Want more? Make more (and fit the map to contain all of them):

[leaflet-map fitbounds]
[leaflet-marker address="tokyo"]
[leaflet-marker address="oslo"]
[leaflet-marker address="cairo"]
[leaflet-marker address="toronto"]

You can even add popups (to any shape) with their names:

[leaflet-map fitbounds]
[leaflet-marker address="tokyo"]Tokyo[/leaflet-marker]
[leaflet-marker address="oslo"]Oslo[/leaflet-marker]

Add a link to the popup messages the same way you would add any other link with the WordPress editor.


Add a line to the map by adding [leaflet-line]. You can specify the postions with a list separated by semi-colon ; or bar | using lat/lng: [leaflet-line latlngs="41, 29; 44, 18"] or addresses: [leaflet-line addresses="Istanbul; Sarajevo"], or x/y coordinates for image maps.

Add a circle to the map by adding [leaflet-circle]. You can specify the position using lat and lng and the radius in meters using radius. You can also customize the style using Leaflet’s Path options. Example: [leaflet-circle message="max distance" lng=5.117909610271454 lat=52.097914814706094 radius=17500 color="#0DC143" fillOpacity=0.1].

Or you can add a geojson shape via a url (make sure you are allowed to access it if it’s not hosted on your own server): [leaflet-geojson src=""]. Add custom popups with field names; try out the default src file and fields like so (note fitbounds needs to be on leaflet-geojson (for now)):

[leaflet-geojson fitbounds]{name}[/leaflet-geojson]

name is a property on that GeoJSON, and it can be accessed with curly brackets and the property name.


Alternatively, you could use a plain image for visitors to zoom and pan around with [leaflet-image src="path/to/image/file.jpg"]. See screenshots 3 – 5 for help setting that up.

WP 1 slider


Documentation  | Demo

WP 1 slider – is probably the most feature-rich Free WordPress slider. While doing 1000s of WordPress website for different clients, we came across various slider requirements. From our learning – we made a slider with the most useful features, variety of layout and configuration options and here it is – WP 1 Slider!.

WP 1 Slider – is developed considering user friendliness, features, layout designs for various users.


  • Add unlimited amount of images to the slider.
  • Add unlimited sliders in one page.
  • Enable/disable buttons (with/without link) on the slider.
  • Separate slider settings for each slider.
  • Separate caption settings for each slider.
  • Four different caption layouts for each slider.
  • Separate pager setting (slider navigation pager) for each slider.
  • Four different dot pager(slider navigation pager) layouts for each slider.
  • Ten different thumbnails pager(slider navigation pager) layouts for each slider.
  • Separate navigation / Arrows setting for each slider (7 designs to choose from).
  • Two different box shadow for slider image.
  • Nine different positions for slider title and description within image.
  • Ability to change colors of title,description,buttons and button hover on slider image.
  • Ability to change font size of slider title and description on image.
  • Ability to change background color and active color of dot pager navigation on slider image.
  • Add unlimited sliders in widgets.
  • Slider is fully responsive.
  • Easy usage via Shortcode.




  1. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  2. For customizing the plugin’s settings, click on WP 1 Sliders option menu in WordPress left admin menu.
  3. To display the slider in the frontend, please use dynamically generated shortcode from shortcode WP1S Usage metabox or you can use ‘Add WP 1 slider’ button in post or page for easy insert of the slider into post/pages.


Slider Manager

Once the plugin is installed and activated you will find a menu named “WP 1 Slider” in the left menu bar of the admin menu.Once you click on that menu , you will be redirected to the plugin’s listing page and you will see the add new button, once you click on that button you will be redirected to the slider page where you can create slider. Basically there are 6 type of slider type with its own settings configurations which is individually described below.

Creating New slider

This is the landing page for plugin. Here you can see the listing of the slider created along with its respective shortcodes. Here you can see Add new button at top of slider listing table.For creating a new slider, you will simply need to click on the Add New submenu of the Wp 1 sliders menu or click on the Add new button in the slider manager’s listing table. You can also edit or delete slider from here.Once you click the button, you will be redirected to the new slider builder page where you can add the unlimited numbers of slides.

Slider Builder Page

Slider Builder Page

This is the builder page of plugin where you can add unlimited numbers of images ,post ,videos ,woocommerce product,facebook image or instagram images slides and build awesome slider.
In this page you will see Slides metabox inside this metabox you will see the Slider type option which include image slide,video slide,post slide,woocommerce slide,instagram slide and facebook slide option.
Below are the detail description for each slide type.

Creating Image Slider

Once you have selected the image slide in Slider Type option then you will see the Slider mode for image slide option , inside this option you can select either normal mode or animation mode.If you want to create simple slider then you can choose normal mode and if you want to have animation effects and layers in slider then you have to choose the animation mode.You will also see the Add Image Slide button from where you can add unlimited number of image slides.Below are the detail description for these two mode:

    • Normal Mode

Normal Mode

After selecting the normal mode, you can click on the ‘Add Image Slide‘ button then you will see the untitled slide.Once you click in untitled slide a slide box will appear where you can add the available input fields in the slide. You can see all the available fields in the slide box as shown above in the image. You can enable or disable the buttons and can give text and link for button.

General Settings

Just below the Slides Metabox ,you will see Slider Style option which include Single Slide Layout and Carousel Slide Layout.These two option include different settings configurations.
Below are the detail description for each slide style:

      • Single Slide Layout

General Setting

When you will select the single slide layout then the Slider settings,Caption settings,Pager Settings,Navigation arrows settings will appear where you can switch the tab by clicking on each setting tab to go to respective setting tab and can edit the way you want to display slider by changing your own setting options.
We have following feature available in our current version to choose from:

        • Slider Settings:

Slider Setting

Allows you to choose either display slider box shadow or not and allow you to choose shadow box types template.

        • Caption Settings:

Caption Setting

Allows you to choose four different caption types option with its respective title font size, title font color,description font color and size,button color,background color,border color and caption position settings.

        • Pager Settings:

Pager Settings

Allows you to choose either display dot pager or thumbnail pager or pagination pager or disable the pager.

The Events Calendar


Create an events calendar and manage it with ease. The Events Calendar plugin provides professional-level quality and features backed by a team you can trust.

Packed with loads of useful features, The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe is ready to go right out of the box. It’s extensible, easy to use, and completely customizable.

Just getting started? Read through the New User Primer to get set up.



The Events Calendar is built to work out of the box. Just turn it on, configure the settings to match your needs and you’ll be making events in less than 5 minutes.

Whether your vision is big or small, you’re in good company. Hundreds of thousands of churches, eateries, small businesses, musicians, venues, and non-profits are publishing and promoting their events with The Events Calendar.


Whether you’re operating a hyperlocal hub listing thousands of events, a university with many thousands of users, or you’re a sole business owner listing your classes, The Events Calendar has your back.

  • Rapidly create events
  • Saved venues & organizers
  • Calendar month view with tooltips
  • Event List view
  • Day view
  • Event search
  • Google maps
  • Widget: Upcoming events list
  • Events Taxonomies (Categories & Tags)
  • Google Calendar and iCal exporting
  • Completely ajaxified for super smooth browsing
  • Completely responsive from mobile to tablet to desktop
  • Increase your SEO with Microformats
  • Internationalized & translated
  • Multiple stylesheets to improve integration



Configure your settings. Configure both your WordPress settings and Events Calendar settings so that your calendar works how you’d like it.

Customize your event settings to get the look you want by going to Events, Settings, General.

Events > Settings

Add a link to your calendar on your website so that visitors can find it.

How to add events page to menu: go to Appearance , Events, View all, and select the Events page to add to menu

Go to Appearance > Menu to add your events page to the menu

Create an Event

You’re ready to add your first event!

Knight Lab TimelineJS


A simple shortcode plugin to add the TimelineJS made by Knight Lab. Now updated to support TimelineJS3.

Supports custom width and height, Google Spreadsheet and JSON data sources and many more.

Checkout how to create your amazing Timeline at

To embed your timeline use the button located at the post content editor (TinyMCE).

You can also embed the Timeline on your post using this shortcode :
[timeline src=”Your source url here”]


FeedWordPress is an open-source Atom/RSS aggregator for the WordPress blog publishing platform. You set up feeds that you choose, and FeedWordPress syndicates posts from those sources into your WordPress posts table, where they can be displayed by your WordPress templates like any other post — but with additional meta-data, so that your templates can properly attribute the post to the source it came from.

FeedWordPress was originally developed because I needed a more flexible replacement for Planet to use at some aggregator sites that I administered. You can use FeedWordPress to create aggregator sites that bring together posts from many different sources, using the WordPress templating engine to display posts from all around the web. Or you can use it to bring together activity from your blogs, social networks and other online services, into a Lifestream with all your online activity in one place.

Collapsing Categories


Collapsing Categories creates an expandable list of categories and
subcategories. It can also expand to show posts. The primary usage is as a



Activate the plugin, then simply go the
Presentation > Widgets section and drag over the Collapsing Categories Widget.

Embed Content from Ensemble Video

Before you can use the Ensemble Video plugin, you have to have the ‘Classic Editor’ enabled on the page you want to embed Ensemble content.

To find out how to switch to the Classic Editor check out the following link.

Content from Ensemble Video can be embedded into Playlists, individual videos, or individual audio-only content can be embedded into a page or post.

To add Ensemble Video content, first obtain the Content ID from Ensemble, then embed the content into Follow the steps below to perform this process.

  1. Log into Ensemble.
  2. Find the content you wish to embed.
  3. Confirm that the content is marked as Ready and Published.
  4. Click the small info icon (Ensemble Info Icon). Copy the Content ID from the popup box.Ensemble Get Content IDEnsemble Content ID
  5. Log into Note that Ensemble and use Single Sign-On (TUgateway), so you may be logged in automatically.
  6. Create a new post or page in which to embed the content.Add Post
  7. Enter a title for the post or page, then click the Add Ensemble Video button.Add Ensemble Video Button
  8. Select the appropriate tab (Add Video, Add Audio, or Add Playlist).
  9. Paste the Content ID you copied in step 4 into this box and select any appropriate options as desired.Add Ensemble Video Popup
  10. Click the Add Video button.
  11. Preview your post by clicking the Preview button on the right.
  12. When satisfied, publish the post by clicking the Publish button on the right.