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Leaflet Map

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Add a map generated with LeafletJS: an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Map tiles are provided by default through OpenStreetMap, or MapQuest (with an app key). Can be set per map with shortcode attributes or through the dashboard settings.


Simply create a map with:


Lookup an address with:

[leaflet-map address="chicago"]

Know the latitude and longitude of a location? Use them (and a zoom level) with:

[leaflet-map lat=44.67 lng=-63.61 zoom=5]

Add a marker under your map shortcode, like so:


Want more? Make more (and fit the map to contain all of them):

[leaflet-map fitbounds]
[leaflet-marker address="tokyo"]
[leaflet-marker address="oslo"]
[leaflet-marker address="cairo"]
[leaflet-marker address="toronto"]

You can even add popups (to any shape) with their names:

[leaflet-map fitbounds]
[leaflet-marker address="tokyo"]Tokyo[/leaflet-marker]
[leaflet-marker address="oslo"]Oslo[/leaflet-marker]

Add a link to the popup messages the same way you would add any other link with the WordPress editor.


Add a line to the map by adding [leaflet-line]. You can specify the postions with a list separated by semi-colon ; or bar | using lat/lng: [leaflet-line latlngs="41, 29; 44, 18"] or addresses: [leaflet-line addresses="Istanbul; Sarajevo"], or x/y coordinates for image maps.