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Whole Slide Image (WSI) Viewer

Here is a quick list of Whole Slide Image (WSI) viewers. Some of these applications have the ability to analyze and process the images, too.

  1. QuPath
  2. Cytomine
  3. Orbit
  4. ASAP
  5. OpenSlide with OpenSeadragon
  6. ImageJ of SlideJs
  7. OMERO viewer
  8. JVSView
  9. PMA.start
  10. caMicroscope

This list has been taken from

For further information, please look at the corresponding link.

Between the software in this list, I have found Orbit and QuPath more interesting. Orbit seems has more recent analysis tools, such as neural network. QuPath has more traditional image processing methods. Both have enough useful documentation in their websites.

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