Volume 30, Number 2 (Fall 2016)


No Place for Immunity: The Arguments Against the African Criminal Court’s Article 46BIS
Miriam Abaya

An International Perspective: Why the United States Should Provide a Public Performance Right for Non-Digital Audio Transmissions
Miranda Bullard

Recent Developments in the United Nations: Shifting from Ideals and Principles to Action and Enforcement
Melissa Castillo

Whole Again? Statutory Compensation Schemes as a Tort Alternative in the Aftermath of Terror Attacks
Kaitlin Halsell

Practical Implications of the Actus Reus Elements of the Crime of Aggression for Leadership Directed Intelligence Collection and Dissemination
Kevin Hill

Crypto Wars 2.0: Why Listening to Apple on Encryption Will Make America More Secure
Paul McLaughlin

A Reimagined Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: From Deterrence to Restoration and Beyond
Anu Thomas