Temple University

Associate Professor – Teaching Track

Office: 634 Wachman Hall, 1805 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia PA 19122

My CV: Jeromy Sivek CV

Phone: 215 204-7888

Email: sivek [at] temple [dot] edu

A Few Topics of Interest

A joint paper on fixed point free contractive maps with current and former students: Elizabeth Abt-Fraioli, Chris Heitmann, and Jules Sims

Julianna Sims’s Honors Thesis on fixed point theory broadly and contractive fp-free maps specifically

Work on the Collatz Conjecture with some very bright high school students at a special program called PGSS

Finite Differences in Partial Differential Equations a website by Jonathan Falciani submitted as PDE course project

Fixed Point Theory: A Joint Paper with Chris Lennard and Jared Burns

Reflections on Undergraduate Research

Some work on Ranked Preference Voting and Social Choice: Simulations and Historical Examples (collaborators include Gillian McGuire, Brandon Calia, and Julia Conigliari)

Work on Summability with Pam Delgado and Chris Lennard