Hello RTWO Subscribers!

Check out the new literature that was added to RTWO today:

Blasco-Belled, A., Tejada-Gallardo, C., & Alsinet, C. (2023). Positive psychology interventions can improve mental health for chronic pain patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology & Health, 29, 1-17.

Braunwalder, C., Muller, R., Glisic, M., & Fekete, C. (2022). Are positive psychology interventions efficacious in chronic pain treatment? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Pain Medicine, 23(1), 122-136.

Fazzi, E., Micheletti, S., Calza, S., Merabet, L., Rossi, A., & Galli, J. (2021). Early visual training and environmental adaptation for infants with visual impairment. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 63(10), 1180-1193.

Palomar-Ciria, N. & Bello, H. (2023). Equine-assisted therapy in post-traumatic-stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 128, 104871.

Shen, J., Johnson, S., Chen, C., & Xiang, H. (2020). Virtual reality for pediatric traumatic brain injury: A systematic review. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 14(1), 6-15.

Enjoy the day!

Heather R. Porter, PhD, CTRS, FDRT

Temple University, Recreational Therapy Program

Creator & Director, RTWO