Hello, RTWO Subscribers!

Check out the new literature that was added to RTWO today:

Chen, Y., Xiao, H., Yang, Y., & Lan, X. (2017). The effects of life review on psycho-spiritual well-being among patients with life-threatening illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(7), 1539-1554.

Mohan, A., Thomson, P., Leslie, S., Dimova, E., Haw, S., & McKay, J. (2018). A systematic review of interventions to improve health factors or behaviors of the cardiovascular health of prisoners during incarceration. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 33(1), 72-81.

Perrochon, A., Borel, B., Istrate, D., Compagnat, M., & Daviet, J. (2019). Exercise-based games interventions at home in individuals with a neurological disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Advanced online publication.

Rigg, K., McNeish, R., Schadrac, D., Gonzalez, A., & Tran, Q. (2019). Community needs of minority male youth living in inner-city Chicago. Children and Youth Services Review, 98, 284-289.