Hello, RTWO Subscribers!

Check out the new literature that was added to RTWO today:

Clare, L., Kudlicka, A., Oyebode, J., Jones, R., Bayer, A., Leroi, I.,…& Woods, B. (2019). Goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation for early-stage Alzheimer’s and related dementias: The GREAT RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23(10), 1-242.

Eigenschenk, B., Thomann, A., McClure, M., Davies, L., Gregory, M., Dettweiler, U., & Ingles, E. (2019). Benefits of outdoor sports for society: A systematic literature review and reflections on evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(6), 937-958.

Ross, A., Cloutier, S., & Searle, M. (2019). The association between leisure time physical activity and happiness: Testing the direct role of health perception. Journal of Community Psychology, 47(5), 1169-1183.

Thomas, E., Snethen, G., McCormick, B., & Salzer, M. (2019). An exploration of linear and curvilinear relationships between community participation and neurocognition among those with serious mental illnesses. Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Advance Online Publication.

Young, H., Mehta, T., Herman, C., Wang, F., & Rimmer, J. (2019). The effects of M2M and adapted yoga on physical and psychosocial outcomes in people with multiple sclerosis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(3), 391-400.