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Mapping Temple

So, for this mapping assignment I decided to do Temple’s campus because I am not that familiar with surrounding areas of Philadelphia. My perception of Temple’s campus has greatly changed since this time last year. Excuse my map, it clearly is not picture perfect but making it made me realize how my perception of the campus has changed. For one thing I had to use a lot of Google Maps to figure out where the some of the buildings were. I have been spending this academic year at home in Huntingdon Valley. What I got out of creating this map is that due to the Covid-19 pandemic my perception of Temple’s campus is a little strewed. I think this may be a problem that a lot of other people staying at home may have when they return to places that they used to go to everyday. I only put places that I would have had class on the map. I even messed up the map once or twice because I forgot where some buildings were in relation to which streets. Maybe it is just me, but it could possibly happen to other people as well. This would just be minor inconveniences for people when they return to these places, maybe they make a wrong turn or take a longer way. Overall, I think this illustrated that perception can be changed if someone has not been somewhere for a while.

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