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I think that historical subjectivity stems from my wanting to know about the difficulties of African Americans from the slave trade until current day. I am well aware of al of the different obstacles that African Americans have faced since the days of slavery, such as Jim Crow Laws and red lining. However, I do not understand why these things really came to be other than racism. That is how I reached my topic. I wanted to know what economic reason white people had for enslaving Africans in the Philadelphia areas. I think that my race and where I grew up play a roll in how I approach this topic. I am white and do not truly understand how people of my race can look down on others just because of the color of their skin or how they could use people as property to create wealth. I also think where I grew up relates to how I approach this project because there were very few African American students at my school. Although we lived in a town the was connected to Philadelphia, there were very few African American families. Likely one cause of this could be red lining, but I did not realize this until later on in my life. I think the perspective that I bring to my project is one of open eyes that wants to portray the facts of how the slave trade affected the Pennsylvania economy and why the slave trade ended. As of all my research so far it seems that the slave trade was ended because it was not economically sufficient not because many people cared about African Americans.

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