I (heart) Jack Lalanne: A Cartoon Memoir
c.2022, 14:20, distributed by Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII, c. 2010, 57 minutes, distributed by PBS Distribution,
Webstreaming: Amazon Prime, iTunes, Google Play
Folk Songs, c. 2007, 12 minutes, distributed by Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Center, http://www.cfmdc.org
Everybody Promenade, c. 2007, 27 minutes, previously distributed by Ouat Media Inc., http://www.ouatmedia.com/
Webstreaming: Folkstreams: The Best of American Folklore Films, http://www.folkstreams.net/
Neighbor Ladies, c. 2005, 53 minutes, distributed online by Mediaburn Archives, https://mediaburn.org/video/neighbor-ladies/
Crossroads: an American Journey, c.1997, 52 minutes
Webstreaming: Folkstreams: The Best of American Folklore Films, http://www.folkstreams.net/
People’s Stuff, c. 1991, 23 minutes
Webstreaming: Folkstreams: The Best of American Folklore Films, http://www.folkstreams.net/