

Below are brief descriptions of undergraduate and graduate classes I regularly teach at Temple University:

The Artist in the Business World

I began my professional creative work like the vast majority of artists- by using my skills to work as a freelancer.  In the beginning I made many expensive mistakes with regard to the legal and tax implications of independent contract work.  I created this course in hopes that I could help students avoid the mistakes I made in my early career.  The Artist in the Business World is based on a series of career workshops I conducted over the years. This course  covers creative subjects such as creating a portfolio and creating pitch decks for projects as well as more ‘business’ related topics such as networking, setting rates, understanding contracts, paying taxes, and saving for retirement.

MFA Careers Colloquium

Graduate students interested in seeking careers in the academic field or in the media industry need to begin preparation for the job search process long before graduation.  This special topics colloquium is designed to help prepare interested students for teaching careers at the college/university level or production careers in the commercial industry or in non-profit media sectors.

Experimental Media Workshop

Throughout its history, the practice of experimental video has been directly affected by technological developments. From its links to experimental film, its early life on broadcast television and its current proliferation via the internet- experimental video continues to change and adapt to new technology. Through readings, critique of video examples, discussions about artists and completion of projects students will gain an understanding of the history, influences, trends, and current experimental work being done with video technology.  Special emphasis is given to artists and works making use of the internet as an exhibition and distribution outlet.

Exhibition/Distribution of Independent Media

The internet, global marketing and the expansion of streaming television are only a few of the latest developments to shake up the established media industry but these same forces have also had an effect on the exhibition and distribution of independent media.  This course is designed to offer students a unique insight into independent media exhibition circuits and help students find an audience for their own creative work.

Digital Animation and Compositing

The earliest cave paintings utilized a series of drawings to construct a larger narrative but, unlike still images viewed separately, animation is the apparent act of bringing the inanimate to life through perceived movement.  Perhaps it is this magical quality of the creation of ‘life’ that fuels our continued fascination with the art of animation. The objective of this course is to expose students to methods, approaches, and techniques associated with the art of digital animation. Through individual and group efforts the class will explore the technical and aesthetic concerns of a variety of animation techniques while stimulating individual creative impulses.

International Education

I am very interested and active in international educational opportunities.  Below are links to lectures and programs I’ve participated in.

Futurlab lectures, University of Alicante, Spain

Dublin Travel Writing program, Ireland

London Study Away program, UK

ESAV Corrida, International Film School Symposium, Toulouse, France

CILECT Conference, Helsinki, Finland