LEANN ERICKSON is a Professor of film and video production at Temple University in the Department of Film and Media Arts and has been an independent video/filmmaker for over 35 years. Her work has appeared on public and cable television, in media and art galleries and has won national and international recognition in video/film festivals.
Her documentary film titles include: Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII, c. 2010; Folk Songs, c.2007; Everybody Promenade, c. 2007; Neighbor Ladies, c. 2005 and From One Place to Another: Emma Goldman Clinic Stories, 1996.
Her experimental videos include: Oracle, c. 2022, Apollo, c. 2021; interference, c. 2005; hours, minutes, seconds, frame, c. 1999 and Essential Things, c. 1997.
Animation titles include: I (heart) Jack Lalanne: A Cartoon Memoir, c. 2022; Fun Days with Jake, c. 2002 and bees, a documentary, c. 2001.
Festival screenings include: Hot Docs International Documentary Film Festival (Toronto CN), Oberhausen International Short Film Festival (Germany), Feminale International Women’s Film Festival (Cologne, Germany), Women in the Director’s Chair (Chicago) and L’immagine Leggera: International Competition of Videoart and Experimental Film (Palermo, Italy).
Erickson is a recipient of regional and national production grants for her work from such funding sources as NEA, AAUW, the Jerome Foundation and The Leeway Foundation. In 2003 and 2006 she was awarded the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship for media arts. Currently Erickson is pitching a television series based on the Top Secret Rosies story and is distributing an animated film memoir featuring the life of fitness guru Jack Lalanne.