tragedy, shakespeare, and ibsen

My monograph The Drama of History: Ibsen, Hegel, Nietzsche is out with Oxford University Press. Many of my articles are available on my webpage


On Tragedy and Literature

i. “Modernism and Form: European Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Literature,” forthcoming in John Gibson and Noel Carol (eds.), The Routledge Guide to Philosophy of Literature. London: Routledge

ii.“Tragedy,” in Michael Kelley (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014


On Shakespeare and Philosophy:

i.  “Reading Shakespeare, Reading Modernity,” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, vol. 9,  3-2005, 17-31

ii. “Interpreting Hamlet,” in Tzachi Zamir (ed.), Hamlet: Philosophical Perspectives, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 247-273

iii. “The Philosophical Relevance of Herder’s Shakespeare Studies,” in Michael Forster and Klaus Vieweg (eds.), Die Aktualität der Romantik. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2013, 137-163

iv. “The Theater of Thought: A. W. Schlegel on Shakespeare, Modern Drama, and Romantic Criticism,” forthcoming in Tom Stern (ed.), The Philosophy of Theater, Drama, and Acting. London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017, 43-63


On Ibsen and Philosophy:

i.“Philosophizing with Ibsen,” Introduction to K. Gjesdal (ed.), Ibsens Hedda Gabler: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 1-26

ii. “Self-Knowledge and Aesthetic Consciousness in Ibsen and Hegel,” in Terry Yip and K.K. Tam (eds.), Ibsen and the Modern Self. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, 2010, 1-17

iii.  “Ibsen on Hegel, Egypt, and the Beginning of Great Art,” The Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, vol. 55/56, 2007, 67-86

iv. “Tragedy and Tradition: Ibsen and Nietzsche on the Ghosts of the Greeks,” in The Graduate Faculty Journal of Philosophy, vol. 34, no. 2-2013, 391-413

v. “Nietzschean Variations: Politics, Interest, and Education in Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People,” Ibsen Studies, no. 2-2014, 109-135

vi. “Ibsen on History and Life: Hedda Gabler in a Nietzschean Light,” in K.Gjesdal (ed.), Ibsens Hedda Gabler: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 215-239