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College Council

The purpose of monetary allocations is to allocate funding for student professional organizations to promote and enhance the educational, recreational, social, and cultural life of the Fox School of Business student body. Allocations are not guaranteed and SPOs must follow the SPO Allocations Guidelines in order to be considered.

SPO Allocations Guide:

  • Allocations requesters must read through the allocations guidelines before submitting requests.
  • Note: The above guide lists the values for the most common dollar worthy events. If an SPO creates or sponsors an event that is not listed, they may submit a form for possible allocation dollars. If the event is new or unique, a short description will allow College Council to make an informed decision as to whether or not dollars shall be awarded.

Recommended Practices

  • Timing of allocations submissions: College Council recommends that the SPO’s allocations requester (typically the treasurer) pick a specific day/time each week to submit allocations requests. Requests must be submitted to College Council at least 48 hours prior to the actual date of the event. Requests should not be submitted more than 7 days prior to the event date.
  • Descriptions: Always include a description of your event. This will allow our Director of Financial Reporting to determine if this event qualifies for allocations. If there is no description and the rest of the information in the form does not indicate qualifying for allocations the SPO will not receive allocations.

Documents and Forms

Listed Below are all of the documents needed to successfully earn allocations for your SPO. Reach out to Dawanna with any questions!

Allocation Eligibility  

To become eligible for allocations,

  • New SPOs
    • Must show 2 semesters of consistent (or growing!) attendance at meetings and events
    • Must host at least 2 different types of events – guest speakers, professional development workshops, networking events, community service, etc.
    • Must consistently attend required presidents meetings, College Council events, and fulfill community service requirement
  • SPOs coming off of hiatus
    • Must show 1 semester of consistent (or growing!) attendance at meetings and events
    • Must host at least 2 different types of events – guest speakers, professional development workshops, networking events, community service, etc.
    • Must consistently attend required presidents meetings, College Council events, and fulfill community service requirement

Allocations Probation

  • After 2 unexcused absences from required events or reports (presidents meetings, Preview Days, Experience Temple Days, SPO Fair, Annual Report), the SPO will be placed on a 1-month probation from earning allocations.
  • If an event is missed after the 1st of the last month of the semester (April 1 or December 1), the allocations probation will carry over through the first month of the next semester. During this period, SPOs will be able to hold events but will not be eligible for allocations for them.
    • In addition, a meeting with College Council will be required in order to check in and to improve any processes that have prevented the SPO from completing College Council requirements.
    • If the infraction after 1 month of probation happens during the SPO’s leadership transition period, the incoming officers of the SPO may meet with College Council to come up with a plan to improve their org and take away 1 month of probation.
  • After 4 missed events, the SPO will be demoted to an affiliate organization.
  • College Council will meet with SPO to discuss issues as needed. Otherwise probation and allocations eligibility will reset for the next semester
  • In the event of any student conduct violations, SPOs may be demoted to affiliate status or disbanded at the discretion of the Dean’s Office, Student Activities, the Office of Student Conduct, etc.