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Suitable Activity Requests

Please make sure your SPO is submitting all meetings and events to Suitable! In addition to the allocations reporting forms, we also use Suitable to determine appropriate allocations to each SPO.

  • Log into Suitable on your laptop or desktop – at this time, you can only submit activity requests from a computer.
  • Click on “Activities” on the black bar to the left of the screen, then click the “Request New Activity” button in the top right corner. 
  • Select “Event” to create an activity with a QR code that your members can scan for FLDP points.  
    • If you’d like to submit a “Task” activity, please email with details. 
  • Fill out the Title of your event (include your SPO’s acronym), Description, then select the relevant Activity Type (in person, virtual, or hybrid), and Student Professional Organization tags.
  • Select the level and competencies that are appropriate for your event. 
    • The more participation and effort the event requires, the higher the level 
    • Most SPO general body/guest speaker meetings are Level 1 in the Community Engagement and Personal and Professional Development competencies. If your event or guest speaker will cover one or more of the other competencies (Financial Literacy, Ethics, Global and Cultural Awareness), please mention it in the description!
  • Select a start and end date and start and end time for your event and enter the event’s location. 
  • Preview and submit for administrator approval! Please submit events at least 2 business days in advance.
  • Once approved, the student who submitted the request will receive an email from Suitable containing the QR code for the event.
  • Email with any questions or concerns – please include the title of your Suitable event.