Selected Publications
Gagnon, M. F., G. G. Turner, M. R. Scafini, K. A. Thomas, J. S. Johnson, B. E. Overton, and B. J. Sewall in press. Long-term trends in the extent of white-nose syndrome infection in little brown myotis. Biological Conservation.
Hauer, C. L., L. E. Powers, J. P. Doyle, J-D Lambrinos, J. C. Hovis, S. W. Henry, and B. J. Sewall in press. Effects of shelterwood harvest and prescribed fire on site occupancy of bats in oak forest at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. Journal of North American Bat Research.
Chmielewski, M. W., S. Naya, M. Borghi M., J. Cortese, A. R. Fernie, M. T. Swartz, K. Zografou, B. J. Sewall, and R. B. Spigler 2023. Phenology and foraging bias contribute to sex-specific foraging patterns in the rare declining butterfly Argynnis idalia idalia. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10287. Link
Chothe, S. K., P. Jakka, V. S. Boorla, S. Ramasamy, A. Gontu, R. H. Nissly, J. Brown, G. Turner, B. J. Sewall, D. M. Reeder, K. A. Field, J. B. Engiles, S. Amirthalingam, A. Ravichandran, L. LaBella, M. S. Nair, C. D. Maranas, S. V. Kuchipudi 2023. Little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) support the binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike and are likely susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Viruses. 15: 1103. Link
Sewall, B. J., G. G. Turner, M. R. Scafini, M. F. Gagnon, J. S. Johnson, M. K. Keel, E. Anis, T. M. Lilley, J. P. White, C. L. Hauer, and B. E. Overton 2023. Environmental control reduces white-nose syndrome infection in hibernating bats. Animal Conservation 26:642-653. Link
Ashton, G. V., A. L. Freestone, E. Duffy, M. E. Torchin, B. J. Sewall, B. Tracy, … [57 more coauthors] …, and G. M. Ruiz 2022. Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude. Science 376: 1215-1219. Link
Sewall, B. J., G. G. Turner, M. R. Scafini, and J. S. Johnson 2022. Cooling subterranean environments for climate adaptation and disease management: reply to Meierhofer et al. Conservation Biology 36:e13928. Link
Zografou, K., G. C. Adamidis, B. J. Sewall, A. Grill 2022. Not too warm, not too cold: thermal treatments to slightly warmer or colder conditions from mother’s origin can enhance performance of mountainous butterfly larvae. Biology 11:915. Link
Turner, G. G., B. J. Sewall, M. R. Scafini, T. M. Lilley, D. Bitz, and J. S. Johnson 2021. Cooling of bat hibernacula to mitigate white-nose syndrome. Conservation Biology 36:e13803. pdf
Freestone, A. L., M. E. Torchin, L. J. Jurgens, M. Bonfim, D. P. López, M. F. Repetto, C. Schlöder, B. J. Sewall, and G. M. Ruiz 2021. Stronger predation intensity and impact on prey communities in the tropics. Ecology 102:e03428. pdf
Zografou, K., M. T. Swartz, G. C. Adamidis, V. P. Tilden, E. N. McKinney, and B. J. Sewall 2021. Species traits affect phenological responses to climate change in a butterfly community. Scientific Reports 11:3283. Link
Rea-Ireland, A. E., C. W. Smyth, D. L. Lindner, B. J. Sewall, and B. E. Overton 2020. Pseudogymnoascus palmeri Rea-Ireland, Smyth, Lindner & Overton, sp. nov. Fungal Planet species description 1156. Persoonia 45: 354-355. pdf
Zografou, K., M. T. Swartz, V. P. Tilden, E. N. McKinney, J. A. Eckenrode, and B. J. Sewall 2020. Stable generalist species anchor a dynamic pollination network. Ecosphere 11: e03225. Link
Lilley, T. M. I. W. Wilson, K. A. Field, D. M. Reeder, M. E. Vodzak, G. G. Turner, A. Kurta, A. S. Blomberg, S. Hoff, C. J. Herzog, B. J. Sewall, and S. Paterson 2020. Genome-wide changes in genetic diversity in a population of Myotis lucifugus affected by white-nose syndrome. G3: Genes | Genomes |Genetics 10: 1-14. [Online Early] Link
Freestone, A. L., K. Papacostas, E. W. Carroll, G. M. Ruiz, M. E. Torchin, and B. J. Sewall 2020. Predation shapes invertebrate diversity in tropical but not temperate seagrass communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 323–333. pdf
Adamidis, G. C., M. T. Swartz, K. Zografou, and B. J. Sewall 2019. Prescribed fire maintains host plants of a rare grassland butterfly. Scientific Reports 9: 16826. Link
Rea, A. E., C. W. Smyth, B. J. Sewall, and B. E. Overton 2019. Pseudogymnoascus lindnerii Rea, Smyth & Overton. Fungal Planet species description 1027. Persoonia 43: 392-393. pdf
Rea, A. E., C. W. Smyth, B. J. Sewall, and B. E. Overton 2019. Pseudogymnoascus turnerii Rea, Smyth & Overton. Fungal Planet species description 1028. Persoonia 43: 394-395. pdf
Hauer, C. L. , L. E. Powers, D. K. McNaughton, C. P. Paul, and B. J. Sewall 2019. Changes in a summer bat community in southeastern Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 93: 47-62. pdf
Field, K. A., B. J Sewall, J. M. Prokkola, G. G. Turner, M. F. GagnonG, T. M. Lilley, J. P. White, J. S. Johnson, C. L. Hauer, and D. M. Reeder 2018. Effect of torpor on host transcriptomic responses to a fungal pathogen in hibernating bats. Molecular Ecology 27: 3727–3743. Link
Whiting, J. C., B. Doering, G. Wright, D. K. Englestead, J. A. Frye, T. Stefanic, and B. J. Sewall 2018. Long-term bat abundance in sagebrush steppe. Scientific Reports 8:12288. Link
Reuter, K. E., B. J. Sewall, and E. Di Minin 2018. Drivers of present and lifetime natural resource use in a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Animal Conservation 21: 127-136. pdf
Zografou, K., M. T. Swartz, V. P. Tilden, E. N. McKinney, J. A. Eckenrode, and B. J. Sewall, 2017. Severe decline and partial recovery of a rare butterfly on an active military training area. Biological Conservation 216: 43-50. pdf
Gudiel, A. A., S. C. Nieves, K. E. Reuter, and B. J. Sewall 2017. Troop sizes, population densities, and sex ratios of Eulemur coronatus and Eulemur sanfordi in Ankarana National Park. Lemur News 20: 12-14. Link
Chothe, S.K., G. Bhushan, R. H. Nissly, Y-T. Yeh, J. Brown, G. Turner, J. Fisher, B. J. Sewall, D. M. Reeder, M. Terrones, B. M. JayaRao and S. V. Kuchipudi 2017. Avian and human influenza virus compatible sialic acid receptors in little brown bats. Scientific Reports 7: 660. Link
Sewall, B. J., M. R. Scafini, and G. G. Turner 2016. Prioritization and management of Pennsylvania’s bat hibernacula after pervasive contamination with the fungus causing white-nose syndrome. Pages 209-235 in C. Butchkoski, D. Reeder, G. Turner, and H. P. Whidden, editors. Conservation and Ecology of Pennsylvania’s Bats. Pennsylvania Academy of Science, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. pdf
Johnson, J. J., M. R. Scafini, B. J. Sewall, and G. G. Turner 2016. Hibernating bat species in Pennsylvania use colder winter habitats following the arrival of white-nose syndrome. Pages 181-199 in C. Butchkoski, D. Reeder, G. Turner, and H. P. Whidden, editors. Conservation and Ecology of Pennsylvania’s Bats. Pennsylvania Academy of Science, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. pdf
Reuter, K. E., and B. J. Sewall 2016. Taboos and sustainability of tenrec hunting in Madagascar. Afrotherian Conservation 12: 11-15. Link
Gudiel, A. A., S. C. Nieves, K. E. Reuter, and B. J. Sewall 2016. The effect of anthropogenic disturbance on non-native plant species in Madagascar. Journal of Tropical Ecology 32: 543-554. pdf
Sewall, B. J., R. Young, W. J. Trewhella, K. M. Rodríguez-Clark, and E. F. Granek 2016. Pteropus livingstonii. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species IUCN 2016: e.T18732A22081502. Link
Sewall, B. J. 2016. Rousettus obliviosus. IUCN 2016. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2016: e.T19757A101292795. Link
Ingersoll, T. E.*, Sewall, B. J.*, and Amelon, S. K. 2016. Effects of white-nose syndrome on regional population patterns of three hibernating bat species. Conservation Biology 30: 1048-1059. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12690 pdf
*equal co-lead authors
Reuter, K. E., A. R. Wills, R. W. Lee, E. E. Cordes, and B. J. Sewall 2016. Using stable isotopes to infer the impacts of habitat change on the diets and vertical stratification of frugivorous bats in Madagascar. Public Library of Science One. 11(4): e0153192. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0153192. Link
Reuter, K. E., H. Gilles, A. R. Wills, and B. J. Sewall 2016. The consumption of wild meat in Madagascar: drivers, popularity, and food security. Environmental Conservation. 43: 273-283. pdf
Reuter, K. E., H. Randell, A. R. Wills, T. E. Janvier, T. R. Belalahy, and B. J. Sewall 2016. Capture, movement, trade, and consumption of mammals in Madagascar. Public Library of Science One. 11(2): e0150305. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150305 Link
Reuter, K. E., H. Gilles, A.R. Wills, and B. J. Sewall 2016. Live capture and ownership of lemurs in Madagascar: extent, patterns, and conservation implications. Oryx 50: 344–354. pdf
Czaja, R., A. R. Wills, S. Hanitrinianina, K. E. Reuter, and B. J. Sewall, 2015. Consumption of domestic cat in Madagascar: frequency, purpose, and health implications. Anthrozoös 28: 469-482. pdf
Kirchgessner, M. L. and B. J. Sewall, 2015. The impact of environmental, social and animal factors on visitor viewing behaviors at big cat exhibits. Visitor Studies 18: 150-167. pdf
Salmona, J., M. A. Banks, T. N. Ralantoharijaona, F. Jan, E. Rasolondriabe, R. Zaranaina, A. Rakotonanahary, S. Wohlhauser, B. J. Sewall, and L. Chikhi, 2015. The value of the spineless monkey orange tree (Strychnos madagascariensis) for conservation of northern sportive lemurs (Lepilemur milanoii and L. ankaranensis). Madagascar Conservation and Development 10: 53-59. Link
Wills, A. R., K. E. Reuter, A. A. Gudiel, B. P. Hessert, and B. J. Sewall, 2014. Barriers to student success in Madagascar. Global Education Review. 1(4): 114-134. Link
Sewall, B. J., A. L. Freestone, J. Hawes, and E. Andriamanarina 2013. Size-energy relationships in ecological communities. Public Library of Science One 8(8): e68657. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068657 Link
Ingersoll, T. E.*, B. J. Sewall*, and S. K. Amelon 2013. Improved analysis of long-term monitoring data demonstrates marked regional declines of bat populations in the eastern United States. Public Library of Science One 8(6): e65907. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065907 Link
*equal co-lead authors
Sewall, B. J., A. L. Freestone, M. F. E. Moutui, N. Toilibou, I. Saïd, D. Attoumane, S. M. Toumani, and C. M. Iboura 2011. Reorienting systematic conservation assessment for effective conservation planning. Conservation Biology 25: 688-696. pdf
Sewall, B. J., A. L. Freestone, M. F. E. Moutui, N. Toilibou, I. Saïd, D. Attoumane, S. M. Toumani, and C. M. Iboura 2011. Comoros Community Forest Reserves Plan for Livingstone’s Flying Fox, Rainforest Biodiversity, and the Comorian People. Comoros Forest Reserves Project and Action Comores Anjouan, Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Union of the Comoros, 86 pp.
Sewall, B. J., E. F. Granek, M. F. E. Moutui, W. J. Trewhella, P. F. Reason, K. M. Rodríguez-Clark, I. Saïd, J. B. Carroll, W. Masefield, N. Toilibou, M. Vély, F. ben Mohadji, A. T. C. Feistner, and S. Wells 2007. Conservation Action Plan for Livingstone’s Flying Fox: A Strategy for an Endangered Species, a Diverse Forest, and the Comorian People. Action Comores and Union of the Comoros, Mutsamudu, Anjouan, Union of the Comoros. 52 pp. pdf
Trewhella, W. J., K. M. Rodríguez-Clark, N. Corp, A. Entwistle, S. R. T. Garrett, E. F. Granek, K. L. Lengel, M. J. Raboude, P. F. Reason, and B. J. Sewall 2005. Environmental education as a component of multidisciplinary conservation programs: lessons from conservation initiatives for critically endangered fruit bats in the western Indian Ocean. Conservation Biology 19: 75-85. pdf
Sewall, B. J., E. F. Granek, and W. J. Trewhella 2003. The endemic Comoros Islands fruit bat Rousettus obliviosus: ecology, conservation, and Red List status. Oryx 37: 344-352. pdf
Sewall, B. J. and E. F. Granek 2000. Fruit bats of the Comoros. Pages 42-43 in Roby, D. and M. B. Dossar. National Strategy and Plan of Action for Biological Diversity. Ministry of the Environment. Moroni, Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros. [In French].
Granek, E. F., B. J. Sewall, C. Moser, J. Talbot, J. McGann, and M. Myers (editors), 1999. Environmental Education Guide: A Resource for Teachers of All Grade Levels. United States Peace Corps, United States Agency for International Development, Benin Ministry of Education, Benin Ministry of the Environment, Cotonou: Benin (West Africa). 255 pages. [In French].