Andrea Gudiel has won the Grand Prize in campus-wide competition for the 2013 Library Prize for Undergraduate Research on Sustainability and the Environment. This is an award honoring the best undergraduate research in sustainability-related fields from across the university. Andrea received her award after giving a moving acceptance speech to a packed room at an awards ceremony and reception held on Thursday, May 2nd in the Paley Library Lecture Hall. The awards ceremony was attended by the university’s Vice Provost, Dean of Libraries, several Associate Deans and Department Chairs, numerous faculty, and many students. The ceremony was also simulcast over the web and broadcast throughout Paley Library and across campus. In her speech, Andrea discussed the findings of her research on factors influencing the establishment and spread of non-native species of plants in Madagascar, and their implications for managing native biodiversity and ecosystem services. She also discussed more broadly her experience with research, the many challenges she faced along the way, and the rewards of overcoming obstacles and learning new research skills. Our congratulations go out to Andrea for this significant academic achievement!
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