MAY 10, 2011



TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2011




Attending: Larry Alford, Jenifer Baldwin, Aslaku Berhanu, Jim Bongiovanni, Carla Davis-Cunningham, Kristina DeVoe (chair), Andrea Goldstein, Thomas Heverin, Delphine Khanna, Molly Larkin, Jonathan LeBreton, Krystal Lewis (recorder), Jill Luedke, David Murray, Penelope Myers, Fred Rowland, Brian Schoolar, Margery Sly, Sandi Thompson, Diane Turner.

Meeting called to order at 2:08 PM.

  1. Approval of minutes from the March 8, 2011 meeting

Minutes approved without corrections.

  1. Elections (S. Thompson and F. Rowland)

Sandi collected ballots.  After two additional tie-breaking votes for the Faculty Senate Library Committee member, she announced the election results:

Steering Committee

Continuing Members: David Murray (Chair Elect), Thomas Heverin (Member-at- Large), Krystal Lewis (Recorder), Larry Alford (ex officio)

     Vice-Chair / Chair Elect: Jim Bongiovanni

     Member-At-Large: Jill Luedke

Continuing Education Committee

     Chair (continuing member from last year): Sandi Thompson

     Member (2 yr term): Jenifer Baldwin

     Member (1 yr term): Kristina De Voe

Faculty Senate Representative

     Continuing Member: Brian Schoolar
Fred Rowland

Faculty Senate Library Committee
Penelope Myers

Nominations & Elections Committee

     Chair (continuing member from last year: Fred Rowland
Adam Shambaugh

Selection & Appointment Committee
Continuing Members:  Aslaku Berhanu, Adam Shambaugh
Krystal Lewis
Fred Rowland

Continuing Members: Andrea Goldstein, Rick Lezenby

     Carla Davis Cunningham
Molly Larkin

  1. Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (L. Alford)

Kristina thanked Larry for his service to the libraries and announced that a farewell party will take place in June.

  1. Library Prize: Larry remarked that the papers were outstanding and used lots of library resources. Students talked about the help they received from librarians and even took pictures with them.

  2. Hiring: Larry has no news regarding the appointment of an interim Dean; the Provost will ask for a meeting with the AALL when there’s an announcement.  An exception is being written for the Media Services Librarian position.

  3. Budget: Over two years, the Library will cut 8%/$1.67 million of it’s budget; 60% of the cut will happen in the first year, 40% in the second year. In the first year, the cut will be applied to materials; to positions in the second year.  An 8% cut to materials, combined with inflation, equals an 18-20% decrease in buying power.  Larry believes there’s enough money in reserves to bridge FY 2012, to stave off cuts until FY 2013.

  4. Faculty Senate: Larry thanked Carla for her work in securing librarian membership in the faculty senate.

  1. Committee Annual Reports

Committee reports are available on the H Drive.

  1. Steering Committee (K. De Voe)
  2. Continuing Education Committee (J. Luedke)
  3. Faculty Senate Library Committee (J. Baldwin)
  4. Selection & Appointment Committee (A. Berhanu)
  5. PARA Committee (F. Rowland)
  6. Merit Committee (C. Davis-Cunningham)
  7. Faculty Senate Representatives (C. Davis-Cunningham / B. Schoolar)
  8. Nominations & Elections (S. Thompson)
  1. Amendments to Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws (C. Davis-Cunningham)

Carla announce that the amendment to allow full-time professional librarians up to the level of department head to be members of the Faculty Senate passed.  The articles that mention librarians will be adjusted.

  1. Old Business

Penelope thanked Kristina for her service as AALL president. A round of applause followed.

  1. New business/announcements


  1. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 3:04 PM.


This entry was posted in Minutes.