MARCH 8, 2011


Attending: Larry Alford, Jenifer Baldwin, Jim Bongiovanni (recorder), Carla Davis-Cunningham, Mark  Darby, Kristina DeVoe (chair), Andrea Goldstein, Delphine Khanna, Carol Lang, Molly Larkin, Jonathan LeBreton, Rick Lezenby, Jill Luedke, Greg McKinney, David Murray, Penelope Myers, Brian Schoolar, Adam Shambaugh, Margery Sly, Gretchen Sneff, Sandi Thompson.

Meeting called to order at 2:07pm.

  • Approval of minutes from the January 25, 2011 meeting
    • Minutes approved with no corrections.
  • Remarks by the Dean of Libraries (L. Alford)
    • Larry acknowledged staff in the Libraries’ improvements over the past six years and noted  that Governor Corbett gave his budget address earlier in the day, proposing a roughly 50% cut – $625 million – to state and state-related universities.  This will likely mean significant cuts  to Temple’s operating budget prior to tuition and other revenue increases.  Larry reported that the Libraries is still in a good position to shoulder the cuts, pointing out that there are 32 open  positions within the Libraries, including Law and Health Sciences, and that there are reserve  funds which can be carried forward to maintain the materials budget.
    • Kristina asked about the recommendations from the Huron Group, who was hired to identify opportunities for budget cuts which would not be across the board, and whether any of their  suggestions were made available. Jonathan said that library data was requested and given to them, but that there has been no follow-up as of yet.
    • Gretchen asked how the budget will affect the proposed new building.  Larry noted that since  monies  come  from  two  different  sources,  there  should  be  no  direct  impact; however, if the Governor decides to place a cap on capital spending, building projects may be affected.
  • Making the most of your ACRL Conference (K. DeVoe)
    • Kristina  distributed  a  handout  with  session  suggestions  for  the  upcoming  ACRL conference and opened discussion with questions on how others plan their conference experience.  Sandi recommended attending sessions outside of one’s immediate subject expertise for new perspectives.
    • Jonathan pointed out that presentations given by LIS doctoral   students   could   be   interesting   to   attend   as   well.   Gretchen   suggested participating in dine-arounds and meet-up activities scheduled to take place around Philadelphia. Penelope noted that she and Jenifer will be volunteering for the ACRL Local Arrangements Committee and that volunteers are still needed.  Kristina suggested using the TULinsider blog as a way for sharing additional conference tips.
    • Jonathan, in response to learning that there will be a presentation focused on patron- driven  acquisitions at the conference, mentioned that our own patron-driven e-book acquisition program recently began and that titles were being viewed and purchased.  A discussion of the program followed.
  • Old business
    • None.
  • New business/announcements
    • Carla  reported  that  the  Merit  Committee  met  and  reviewed  11  applications. The committee submitted its recommendations to the Dean.
    • Kristina reminded everyone that Digital Day is scheduled for March 23rd   and that the planning committee is looking for volunteers to help with the event.
  • Adjournment
    • Meeting adjourned at 2:48pm.
This entry was posted in Minutes.