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Cyber Lions – A

Level: Undergraduate
Members: 4
Advisor: Nicklaus Giacobe

Liam Geyer

I’m an integrated M.S. and B.S. Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations Major at Penn State University Park and I expect to graduate in 2025. I also work multiple jobs, and enjoy underwater photography.

Jenna Fox

I am a junior studying cybersecurity analytics and operations at Penn State’s College of IST and pursuing a minor in political science.

Brendan McShane

I am a junior cybersecurity student at Penn State. I compete in cybersecurity competitions and am on the executive board for the Competitive Cyber Security Organization (CCSO).

Jonathan Skeete

My name is Jonathan Skeete and I am a freshman pursuing a degree in cybersecurity at Pennsylvania State University. I hope to pursue a career in offensive security.