Citation: Morin, S., Feldman, S., Funnell, L. Giangregorio, L., Kim, S., McDonald-Blumer, H., Santesso, N., Ridout, R., Ward, W., Ashe, M., Bardai, Z., Bartley, J., Binkley, N., Burrell, S., Butt, D., Cadarette, S., Cheung, A., Chilibeck, P., Dunn, S., Falk, J., Frame, H., Gittings, W., Hayes, K., Holmes, C., Ioannidis, G., Jaglal, S., Josse, R., Khan, A., McIntyre, V., Nash, L., Negm, A., Papaioannou, A., Ponzano, M., Rodrigues, I., Thabane, L., Thomas, C., Tile, L., & Wark, J. (2023). Clinical practice guideline for management of osteoporosis and fracture prevention in Canada: 2023 update. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 195(39, E1333-E1348. Link to publisher’s article.