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ImPACT (Advocacy Group)

ImPACT is the Advocacy Group. Our goal is to raise awareness of aphasia in the community.

When: Wednesdays

What our team says about the group:

"We can advocate for ourselves, for others, and make other people aware about aphasia."
"Talk about new ways to get the word about aphasia out to people."
"The more I learn about aphasia the more I can help others understand how to live with aphasia."
"I want to tell police about aphasia. We want you to understand about aphasia and what we are going through and how to help us."
"Need to explain aphasia to doctors and everyone."

Advocacy Group projects include community presentations about aphasia and creation of educational materials about aphasia. We have also sent letters about aphasia to our state and local politicians. The Advocacy Group also made a video about aphasia:

Pictures of imPACT Advocacy Group