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Secondary Source

The source I found is an article titled Africans on the Delaware: The Pennsylvania Slave Trade 1759-1765 by Darold D Wax. The article was a very informative source that already answered many questions that I had about the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia slave trade. The author’s purpose in writing this article was to detail the slave trade coming up the Delaware River into Philadelphia, how the slave trade grew and died out, and how it impacted the economies of the colonies. This article answers several important but the driving research question behind the article is how the slave trade coming up the Delaware River, particularly into Philadelphia, impacted Pennsylvania and the other colonies. The author has a few different arguments in this article. He makes arguments on how the slave trade impacted the Philadelphia economy, why the slave trade expanded in Philadelphia during the period of 1759-1765, and that the slave trade market in the Philadelphia region was a fragile business. I found this source to be a very useful and important source in answering my research question for this project. Wax’s article gives much information that could be used in my project. I plan on using this source to describe the growth of the slave trade in Philadelphia. Based on Wax’s article it seems that the slave trade did not always come up through the Delaware but slaves were often brought to Pennsylvania from the South Carolina slave trade. Wax uses multiple first person sources from the time period. He also uses other information that was collected by other scholars on the topic. Overall, i think this is a great resource for my project and I look forward to using it to answer my research question.

Works Cited

Wax, Darold D. “Africans on the Delaware: The Pennsylvania Slave Trade, 1759–1765.” Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 50, no. 1 (1983): 38-49. Accessed February 22, 2021.

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