Foundations Department, General Activities Fund and Temple University Libraries Annual Book Giveaway

Foundations Department, General Activities Fund and Temple University Libraries Annual Book Giveaway Stop by the Paley Library Circulation desk between March 30 and April 6 and ask for your free copy of Trevor Paglen’s I Could Tell You but Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me. The first twenty people to ask for the book at the circulation desk will receive one—FREE. But only while that day’s supply lasts. Paglen will also speak in Gladfelter Hall on April 6 at 6PM. Paglen is a social scientist, artist, writer and provocateur. I Could Tell You but Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me shows patches that reveal a secret world of military imagery and jargon, where classified projects are known by peculiar names and illustrated with occult symbols and ridiculous cartoons. Although the actual projects represented (such as the notorious Area 51) are classified, these patches-which are worn by military units working on classified missions-are precisely photographed, strangely hinting at a world about which little is known. The April 6 program is presented by the Foundations Department at Tyler School of Art and the General Activities Fund at Temple. Temple University Libraries, the Departments of Architecture and of Geography and Urban Studies have provided additional support.

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