Researching Oil Spills

Those interested in looking beyond today’s headlines and delving deeper into the hot topic of oil spills and restoration and recovery from spills, both in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere, should check out a recently released bibliography prepared by staff at NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Resources on Oil Spills, Response and Restoration: a Selected Bibliography is over 200 pages in length and includes hundreds of active links to online studies, maps, and websites, as well as citations to hundreds of printed studies.

Some of the print studies will be available at Temple (search Diamond the online catalog for these) while others can be requested through interlibrary loan (search Worldcat). This well produced bibliography is just one example of the incredible wealth of carefully vetted scientific, technical, and statistical information produced by the U.S. government which we receive as a federal depository library.

Jonathan LeBreton, Senior Associate university Librarian:

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