ILLIAD is our new service for requesting materials not available or not owned at any of our Temple University Libraries. To use ILLIAD you need to register as a first time user, and once you have done that all you need to do to use ILLIAD is to login with your Temple access net account and password. Then you can request articles, book chapters, books not available at Temple or through E-ZBorrow, dissertations, conference proceedings, and anything else you need. Using ILLIAD you can check on the status of your requests, request renewals, and access articles you requested. It also keeps a history of your requests. A video is available to help you if you are using ILLIAD for the first time. Library patrons at the Paley, Law, Ambler, Tyler, SEAL, and Harrisburg Libraries need to use this login. For Kresge and South Libraries use this login. For the Podiatry library use this login. If you have any questions about this service please feel free to contact Penelope Myers at or 215 204-0749, or Justin Hill at or 215 204-0752.