2006 is Bertolt Brecht Year!

Bertolt Brecht Manuscripts Discovered in Switzerland

Previously unknown manuscripts of Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), influential 20th century poet and playwright, have been recently discovered in Switzerland and delivered to the Brecht Archive at the Academy of Arts in Berlin. The playwright with arguably the most influence in shaping modern theater in the twentieth century, Brecht is a controversial social critic while at the same time his works entertain. The year 2006 is “Brecht year”, with many venues commemorating 50 years since his death. An article about the discovery of the manuscripts is available from Deutsche Welle , as well as other articles on his life and works.

Some resources at Temple University Libraries on Bertolt Brecht include:

Works by Bertolt Brecht at Temple University Libraries

Works about Bertolt Brecht

Books at Temple University Paley Library 
Both analyses and biographies.

*From “Contemporary Authors”
Nice works list, brief biography.

*From Grove Music Online
Brief biography emphasizing works put to music.
Criticism and Analysis

*International Index to the Performing Arts
A variety of sources including scholarly and popular press. Articles are full-text and full-image.

Full-text articles from the Performing Arts, Language and Linguistics, and Music Collections.

*Literature Online (LION) – Bertolt Brecht, short biographies, links to articles with analysis, some full-text works.

*MLA International Bibliography – full-text articles on criticism and analysis. For more articles on Brecht, search the database MLA lists over 3,000 citations about Brecht.

*RILM – Criticism and Analysis about Brecht-Weill works in a database that is international in scope.
Internet Resources

International Brecht Society

Bertolt Brecht and the Epic Theater

“Bertolt Brecht: The Man Who Never Was”
 provides insight into the complexity of Brecht as a writer and a person.
To access resources preceded by an asterisk off-campus, enter your AccessNet username and password.

-Anne Harlow

2 thoughts on “2006 is Bertolt Brecht Year!

  1. یکی از الگوریتم های گوگل که توانست نسبتا سر و صدای زیادی حداقل به واسطه نام جذابش ایجاد کند، Google Caffeine بود! این الگوریتم که در واقع بروز رسانی یکی از الگوریتم های گوگل برای ایندکس کردن بهتر مطالب بود، تا حد زیادی توانست جای خود را دل مشاوران و کارشناسان سئو در این زمینه باز کند.
    الگوریتم گوگل کافئین(Google Caffeine) چیست؟ – اسماعیل سحاب

  2. استفاده از متا تگ Open Graph تجربه بهتری را برای کاربران شما ایجاد می کند و محتوای شما را در دنیای اینترنت فراگیر می کند. شما از این تگ ها می توانید در شبکه هایی مانند فیس بوک، توییتر، لینکدین، گوگل پلاس و … استفاده کنید.
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